a man to sleep with his fellow man's wife. Is allowed in a place in nigeria

Sexy women

This Nigerian tribe allows a man to sleep with his fellow man's wife.

 The Wodaabe’s Wife Stealing Dance Festival The Wodaabe people are nomadic cattle-herders and are loosely scattered from Nigeria to the Central African Republic, Chad and Cameroon. Their Gerewol festival, an annual dance courtship competition is somewhat similar to what we have in #2 above.
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At the festival, Wodaabe men dress up to dance with the hope of impressing and stealing another man’s wife. It is completely acceptable to steal a man’s wife and have sex with her. Her husband has no option but to live with it. If he doesn’t want his wife to be stolen or suspects that his wife wants a man to steal her, all he can do is to stop her from attending the Gerewol festival. If he can’t do this, his life partner is literally up for grabs for the entire Wodaabe men. She can have as much as she wants of them,


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